Friday, December 2, 2011

5 Reasons to work out NOW!

5)  Get Great Skin - Exercise improves blood flow which makes it easier to transport nutrients to the skin.  Additionally, sweating during exercise helps cleanse toxins out of the pores.  The result is clean, healthy, beautiful skin with a natural glow.

4)  Get Friendly - Taking a class a gym or just running along a popular trail, you will see a lot of people smiling.  People are generally in better moods when they exercise (see below) so take advantage and make some new friends!

3)  Get Happy - Over and over I have read about how exercise makes your brain release endorphins and other 'feel good' substances.  While I do not completely understand the science behind it all, I know it's true!  Exercise always boosts my mood and gives me energy.  Instead of a morning cup of coffee to brighten your day, try a quick AM workout.

2)  Get Healthy - Yes yes yes, there are many health benefits of working out.  Reduce your risk of all kinds of diseases, treat depression, live longer....  you know all this  ;)

1)  Get Sexy - Of course!  Working out tones your body, makes you feel good, and makes you LOOK good.  Even if you already look good on the outside, working out will make you feel good on the inside, and vice versa.  So instead of picking up the remote and envying the amazing bodies on... (insert the name your favorite TV show with hot people on it)... get up and shape your body the way you want to see it!

Need more motivation?  These tunes will get you in the mood and keep you going. Whether you are running, kickboxing, lifting weights, or just letting loose and having a dance party in your living room, let these beats push you to burn some extra calories!    

Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris - "We Found Love"  (this is a good one to warm up and get you going)
Flo Rida - "Good Feeling"
Jennifer Lopez - "Papi"
Pitbull ft. Chris Brown - "International Love"
LMFAO - "Sexy and I know it"  (When he sings 'look at that body' you reply, I WORK OUT!)